The Seed of life symbol is a harmonious yet powerful old symbol originating in sacred geometry.
In combination with the protective square frame representing the 4 elements ( water, fire, earth and air ) it is the soul of our brand.
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The Seed of life symbol is one of the oldest symbols in the world
and can be found in all major philosophies and is used by occultists and mystics alike.
In ancient cultures worldwide it can be found in texts and engravings, murals and paintings.
It is a symbol of sacred geometry and contains the secret of creation starting with the first element as a particle of light ( photon ).
Light was the first phenomenon of creation followed by seven stages, ending with the stage of rest, represented by the seven overlapping circles.
The Seed of life symbol is the blueprint of the universe, containing the wisdom of growth, development and creativity.
Man is only what he believes: A brother of darkness or a child of light.
The story continues daily. In the short time since we opened SEEDS we have welcomed celebrities from all over the world, hosted exclusive events and lots of unforgettable dinners such as datings, wedding anniversaries and birthdays. Thanks for being our precious guests. With you, the restaurant is alive.